Empowering the next generation of dental professionals

ORE Part 2

The Overseas Registration Examination (ORE) Part 2 is designed for candidates to demonstrate practical clinical skills. All questions in Part 2 are mapped to the learning outcomes for a UK dentist. 

You will be allowed four attempts for the ORE Part 2.

Each sitting of Part 2 has a maximum of 144 candidates. The fee for sittings of Part 2 is £2,929, payable at the time of booking. It is not normally refundable, so please review the  refund policy before you make your booking.

The fee for sittings of Part 2, held after 1 January 2025, will be £4,235.

An operative test on a dental manikin (DM)

Candidates are required to perform three procedures over a period of three hours. These procedures primarily involve the preparation and restoration of teeth, but may also include other procedures where appropriate simulation can allow assessment of operative skills

An objective structured clinical examination (OSCE)

This is where candidates visit a series of stations which test their clinical skills. These may include:

  • history-taking and assessment
  • communication skills (such as an explanation of problems and treatment plans)
  • judgment and decision making
  • ethics and attitudes 
  • clinical examination.

The series of stations may cover aspects of the following:

  • behavioural sciences
  • human disease
  • law
  • ethics and professionalism
  • clinical dentistry
  • restorative dentistry
  • paediatric dentistry
  • orthodontics
  • preventive dentistry
  • dental public health
  • comprehensive oral care
  • oral surgery
  • oral medicine
  • oral pathology and oral microbiology
  • dental radiology and imaging.

A diagnostic and treatment planning exercise (DTP)

This involves an actor who will provide an appropriate history (but will not be examined), together with relevant additional information such as photographs, radiographs, study models or results of other special tests. The exercise may involve any of the above aspects of clinical dentistry.

A practical examination in medical emergencies (ME)

The medical emergencies (ME) assessment consists of two parts:
a structured scenario-based oral
demonstration of single handed basic life support.
This will include cardiopulmonary resuscitation using a resuscitation manikin.

Part 2 examination dates


Your exam results will be sent to you by email. GDC will send them to you within 20 working days.

Venues for the exam