Use UK-based connection parameter determining services to find basics about your connection.
These include your DOWNspeed, UP speed, and PING or latency.
PING measures how long it takes for data to travel between two devices.
It is the most important parameter for your ORE/LDS booking.
Ideally, it should be less than 10 ms. If your ping is more than this, please contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to inquire how you can improve this.
Try booking the exam from a library or a University internet connection
since their connection speed as well as the ping is much better than home-based connections.
This is because these places usually have a dedicated infrastructure, higher bandwidth plans, and use optimized network traffic management techniques.
Booking location
Booking from within the UK will always be advantageous to booking the exam from outside the UK.
Try to use your friends (if you trust them enough :P) who are already in the UK or preferably in London and have good internet connections.
You can also search around for people who are willing to help you with this. Remember to only choose people with good reputation. Don’t fall for scams.
Use a fast and
well-known web browser
Use an established and tested browser that does not lag your computer and works without delay.
Most common options include Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Safari on Macs. Do not experiment with new browsers on booking day.
Other considerations
The only app running needs to be the browser; the only tab running should be the booking page.
Try to use anethernet cable instead of trying to book over the Wi-Fi.
Do not use anything other than a PC for instance a mobile device, or iPad, etc
Last hour
Login only 8-10 mins before the booking opens.
Continually refresh the page every 60 seconds.
Refresh between 02:29:55 – 02:29:59 hours.
The blue book button will appear to the left of the refresh button.
Make sure that you refresh the page BEFORE 02:30:00 hours.